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African Chiroptera Report 2015

ACR 2015
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ACR 2015. African Chiroptera Report. 2015. AfricanBats, Pretoria. i - xix, 1 - 7001 pp.

Download as PDF document the complete African Chiroptera Report 2015 (main report together with appendicies).

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Download section of the African Chiroptera Report 2015 only:

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Main Report only

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Appendix 1 - Current Taxonomy

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Appendix 2 - Voucher specimens

Appendix 2a: Museum Acronyms and Number of Specimens

Appendix 2b: Voucher Specimen Details

Appendix 2c: Voucher Specimens per Museum

Appendix 2d: Voucher Specimens per Museum and Country

Appendix 2e: Voucher Specimens per Country

Appendix 2f: Voucher Specimens from Protected Areas

Appendix 2f1: Sorted by Country, Protected Area, Taxon

Appendix 2f2: Sorted by Taxon, Country, Protected Area

Appendix 2f3: Number of specimens of the given taxa collected in and outside Protected Areas

Appendix 2f4: Number of specimens of the given taxa recently [in the last 20 years] collected in and outside Protected Areas

Appendix 2f5: Number of localities in which the given taxa was collected in and outside Protected Areas

Appendix 2f6: Number of localities in which the given taxa was recently [in the last 20 years] collected in and outside Protected Areas

Appendix 2g: Distribution Maps per Taxon

Appendix 2h: Species Richness Maps per Country

Appendix 2i: Distribution per quarter degree

Appendix 2j: Accumulation curves

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Appendix 3: Synonyms

Appendix 3a: Synonyms by Name

Appendix 3b: Synonyms by Author

Appendix 3c: Synonyms by Publication Date

Appendix 3d: Synonyms by Country of Type Specimen

Appendix 3e: Common Names in Alphabetical Order

Appendix 3f: Common Names by Language

Appendix 3g: Original Descriptions

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Appendix 4: Collector Information

Appendix 4a: Follow the Collector

Appendix 4b: Chronological

Appendix 4c: Per Country and Locality

Appendix 4d: Collector Biographies

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Appendix 5: Keys from the Literature

Every known key published that deals with African bat species has been included, as well as providing the old and new taxonomic names.

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Appendix 6: Images of Type Specimens

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Appendix 7: Summary of Characteristic Information

Appendix 7a: Echolocation call Parameters from Literature

Appendix 7b: Methods used in Echolocation Literature

Appendix 7c: Karyotype information from Literature

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Appendix 8: Abstracts

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Appendix 9: Gazetteers

Appendix 9a: Hierarchical Gazetteer

Appendix 9b: General Alphabetical Gazetteer

Appendix 9c: Country Alphabetical Gazetteer

Appendix 9d: Quarter Degree Gazetteer

Appendix 9e: Altitudinal Gazetteer

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