Ernest Seamark was invited to attend the COP13 CMS meeting in Gandhinagar, India (17 - 22 February 2020) by the South African National Department of Environmental Affairs. AfricanBats NPC was the only NGO to be included as part of the official party delegation from South Africa. Over the past four years AfricanBats NPC has been working with South Africa National Department of Environmental Affairs official’s responsible for Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) matters, especially around bat species that are currently listed on Appendix II. Being part of the official party supplied important insights in listing species, and international decision-making processes. It was hoped that a meeting could have been arranged with the EuroBats coordinator, but unfortunately, they did not attend.
The most rewarding was being able to interact with the African parties who are signatories, officials who handle the implementation of CMS within their respective countries. There was a general support for help in future reporting to the CMS on at least keeping up-to-date of the scientific research that may be occurring within these countries on migratory bat species. There was a general support for the development of an African Bat Agreement, for possible ratification at a future COP CMS meeting. There was also some suggestion as to whether we need the agreement at this international forum, or could multilateral agreements not be entered into – that can be linked to specific actions and targeted area. Over the next 3 years it is envisaged to develop a broader agreement for bat conservation, with a more detailed action plan to follow.