African Chiroptera Report 2020

ACR. 2020. African Chiroptera Report 2020. V. Van Cakenberghe and E.C.J. Seamark (Eds). AfricanBats NPC, Pretoria. i-xviii + 8542 pp.
Download as PDF document the complete African Chiroptera Report 2020 (main report together with appendicies).
Download section of the African Chiroptera Report 2020 only:
Appendix 2 - Voucher specimens
Appendix 2a: Museum Acronyms and Number of Specimens
Appendix 2b: Voucher Specimen Details
Appendix 2c: Voucher Specimens per Museum
Appendix 2d: Voucher Specimens per Museum and Country
Appendix 2e: Voucher Specimens per Country
Appendix 2f: Voucher Specimens from Protected Areas
Appendix 2f1: Sorted by Country, Protected Area, Taxon
Appendix 2f2: Sorted by Taxon, Country, Protected Area
Appendix 2f3: Number of specimens of the given taxa collected in and outside Protected Areas
Appendix 2f4: Number of specimens of the given taxa recently [in the last 20 years] collected in and outside Protected Areas
Appendix 2f5: Number of localities in which the given taxa was collected in and outside Protected Areas
Appendix 2f6: Number of localities in which the given taxa was recently [in the last 20 years] collected in and outside Protected Areas
Appendix 2g: Distribution Maps per Taxon
Appendix 2h: Species Richness Maps per Country
Appendix 2i: Distribution per quarter degree
Appendix 2j: Accumulation curves