Due to the global pandemic of COVID-19, our plans to hold a more open bat photography event on the 31 October 2020 could not take place. This was due to restrictions on the size of groups that could gather. Also, for our own safety we kept the group inhouse so as to avoid unnecessary exposure. Not being able to share this experience with a wider range of people who had never been exposed to these magnificent flying creatures of the night, was a missed educational activity. But the night of Halloween was still celebrated, with bat photography – where the landowners Cindy, Gordon and Jason Hooper join us with a few of the field team – where cameras and such were set up for social distancing. Thanks for the wireless remote triggers and cameras’ that talk to smartphones.
Due to the uncertainty of the pandemic, it is still not known if a more formal 2021 Halloween bat photography event may take place. But it is hoped that by 31 October 2021, also falling on a weekend, may provide an opportunity for others to experience the joy of photographing bats in flight within their natural habitat.